My name is Nate Harrison, and I create under the pseudonym CRFTD. My journey in the art world began with photography and cinematography, built upon a background in film and extensive experience in the entertainment industry. For years, I channeled my creativity into projects for others, but I eventually felt a profound urge to create something distinctly my own.

Leveraging my skills in storytelling, photography, cinematography, and creative direction, I embarked on crafting art that tells a personal and compelling narrative. My primary mediums are photography and Photoshop.

I perceive people through the tapestry of their stories—shaped by their experiences, struggles, and triumphs. For me, art offers a space to delve into deeply personal themes such as love, loss, grief, courage, and overcoming adversity.

The discovery of Ordinals marked a pivotal moment in my career. For the first time, I was inspired to create work that could be inscribed onto the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring its preservation in an immutable digital realm.

Artistic Approach and Process

My work is rooted in a photography-first mindset, a perspective honed through years of experience in storytelling, cinematography, and creative direction.

My process begins by clarifying the visual narrative of the piece or over-arching collection. Then I create detailed list of the imagery needed to bring it to life. I immerse myself in photographing people, places, things, and textures—capturing the raw elements that will form the foundation of each piece.

From there, I blend any needed 2D and 3D rendered elements with my photography, carefully integrating them to enhance the narrative. Any remaining gaps are filled with meticulously painted details.

Finally, in Photoshop, I compile, blend, and refine every layer, bringing the story to its final form.